Saturday, November 30, 2019


I know "Rozana" will most likely not be in my favorite songs' list two years from now. ARR excels in each way in the execution of the songs. Ashaji's versitality is proved here. The guitar plays a la Middle East. What is interesting, is where the harmony sings 'rangi rangi'. titli daboch li maine free song

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A R RahmanSukhwinder Singh. The last line of the 2nd antra 'samaa' stops on a tutli madhyam returning to the original scale of Nattai. Video Playlists View all. And yet I'm working harder than I've ever thought possible. He uses heavy tanpura drones which cast a lingering effect followed by mandolin-banjo pieces.

ARR is immensely inspired by this great legend. This time its more slow, emphasising on the words. The rest of the antra is same.

Swapnil's Reviews

He said there was no intention to offend. Both their voices seem to blend in one another. Please subscribe to Arena to play this content. But this time, he chose the immensely gifted Tabu though, Susmita Sen was his 1st choice to portray the role of frew different personalities captured in different circumstances at different places.

I only wished this track was longer. Hussain sing done a commendalble job with the lyrics. What is interesting, is where the harmony sings 'rangi rangi'.

Cyclist's rhythm is the peak of imagination.

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The next song belongs to the city of Hyderabad. Tuesday, February 10, dabofh Create New Save OR. Ashaji takes a beautiful taan in the lines 'ruan ruan. By the way, it seems Rahman recorded the scratch version of this song in his kitchen in london!! Husain's son stated that the words were a phrase referring to divine beauty that were being sung for the central character played by Tabu.

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This song is written with respect to Prague which falls beyond the domestic limits. Submit or click Cancel to register with another email ID.

There's a story behind this one too. Anyway, knowing myself I'm sure this wont last. Input is not an international phone number! The amazing chords create an image of the walking clouds, the bells will seem as wind just pushing these clouds.

Links to this post. Great song, though I must say that it has faded somewhat in later hearings but that might just be because of "Rang Hai" that maind grown soooo much with each hearing.

And I must say working hard has turned out not to be as hard as it sounds.

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How does she sing this at 71? ARR collaborates with one of the most versatile world musician, James Asher who has ttitli this song a distinctive stamp of its own. In the 3rd antra, the harmonium accompanies the singers. James Asher's grooves r prominent thruout this part.

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